When everything is lost, there are only a few paths left to tread. For The Panhelios League and its scions, they have chosen the path of vengeance. Before the Throne Wars, The Panhelios League was a group of city-states that pursued mastery in all things: war, philosophy, art, and culture. Akrathil knew that conventional war with their famed legions would be far too costly, so before he sent his armies, he sent his plagues. Once weakened, he enlisted the aid of the Shen Empire who were all too ready to eliminate a geopolitical rival. With their forces decimated, the Panhelios League’s great cities and armies were scattered. Those who survived found refuge in the harsh wilds surrounding their great cities, using mountain and wild forest to avoid extinction, waging a guerilla war against Akrathil’s forces.
For Ajax, but a child during the Fall, he has no real memory of the glory of The Panhelios League. He was raised in caves, not great cities. He has trained by defeating the wild creatures that stalk his people, not in the great schola-bellums of the phalanxes. As a Titanborne, it is his duty to carry the shield and blade of his people, and his prodigious strength is forged both through Cassyndra’s grace and years of bitter survival. With his great shield, he is an unmovable object, and just like his people’s great cities, direct assault is futile.
While Ajax may not remember the taste of sweetened grape leaves or the pride of the great sculptor gardens, he does carry his people’s need for vengeance. He knows that only through his dedication to war does his people carry the hope of one day rediscovering the magnificence of their past. Stoic and taciturn outside of war, Ajax relishes his role in battle, yet for all his rage, he understands that he must suffer the arrows of his enemies so that his allies may thrive. In his deepest moments of reflection, there is a slim dream: one day, he will lead The Panhelios League to victory, and he may lay down his shield to pick up the tools of a winemaker, sculptor, or even a quill for philosophy, just like the stories that he heard from those who remember such advancements.