
Alloyan is one of the Fabricated, a subset of the Technocracy consisting of living souls in artificial bodies. In the time before the Thronewars, this technology was new and revolutionary, offering ways to adapt specifically to new environments. The initial applications of the process were based on humanitarian need or brilliance, offering a way for physically crippled or old, renowned inventors a form that would allow them greater function and longer life, thus serving the needs of their community for longer.
All kinds of materials were used in their creation, from living wood to polished stone and precious metals. Of all the myriad applications, war was the furthest from its inventor’s thoughts. Unfortunately, war left the technocracy little choice. So it was that Alloyan and his Fabricated kin were given new forms of metal and death. Alloyan’s own gifts involve the transmutation of matter. With his unrivaled mastery of natural law, he can render stone soft, feathers sharp, air unbreathable, and metal brittle by changing the properties of its existence.
To his kin, he is an exemplar of a martial technology operating at incredible efficiency. To his allies, he’s an invaluable support agent who strengthens them while weakening their foes. What none of them know is that the soul contained within his phylactic lattice is the inventor of the Fabricated himself. Tortured by the necessary perversion of his hopeful invention, he is determined to see a day when he can turn the brilliant, revolutionary minds of his kin back to the idea of an enlightened future. For the sake of that future he is here to see Belphegor’s bid for darkness turn to dust.