
Alluvia’s past is shrouded in mystery. As a youth, she was found in the early days of the Thronewars wandering among a field of slain refugees. She had survived by chance, rescued by the Celestial Order she was given a second chance at life. Being of elven lineage, she possessed a natural grace that her new mentor saw potential in. Against the counsel of the healers concerned over the trauma she had lived through, he began training her in the Celestial ways of war as soon as she was physically healed enough to train.
Learning of the newly formed Demon Hunters, Alluvia was among the first waves of volunteers. Many were unable to lift the veil from their eyes that separated their sight from the realm of spirit, but Alluvia had an uncanny knack for it. Her amnesia may have cost her her memories, but it also freed her from distractions in a way that allowed her to see easily into that far realm. While past the period where Alluvia could be considered young, the timeless grace of Elvenkind has done much to keep the grief of years of loss from her noble gaze, which seem to reflect the light that exists beyond the veil.
l too rare and precious in these dark days. As a first generation Demon Hunter of the long-since dispersed Warpriests of Zenith, Alluvia combines the swift and deadly grace of her elven heritage with the disrupting power of the Imbuing Arts, sapping her enemies of their powers. Insightful and cunning on the battlefield, Alluvia seems to dance as she delivers powerful attacks to her drained foes. Combined with her faith and her unyielding devotion to the mission that founded her order, she is committed to ending Belphegor’s bid for power and adding another notch to her tally of slain demons.