To know the Gods is to know their wrath, and Brother Boldstand has one job: make sure those in his charge avoid their wrath. A dour gnome who sees himself as not a shepherd but rather a warden whose goal is simply to keep the last sentients in line, for the last thing that Freeport needs is one of the surviving gods to be angry at the city. Brother Boldstand is a terse, taciturn creature who has memorized thousands of pages of scripture, and he can tell you exactly which finger to flex to honor the goddess of life versus which way to prepare a goat for another God’s feast day.
This stoic, bitter nature seems to only shed itself on feast days, for if the patron God demands revelry, then he will revel, and he will ensure that everyone else does too. In battle, the diminutive gnome lets out with a divinely aided voice, booming out blessings to bolster his allies and healing their wounds, but he is more than willing to smash a heretic himself if needed. When the call came for volunteers for an impossible campaign, he knew that this ragtag force of The Last Accord would need a firm hand to keep moving in the same direction.
What he lacks in stature, he makes up for in raw faith and an enthusiasm for chastisement. He does not inspire others by reminding them of grace but rather prefers reminding them of the reality that creatures far more powerful lie somewhere beyond the veil, their judgment a sharp blade.