The plains of Mako Cyka hold no illusions of comfort or safety. The soil is hard, the wind fierce, great beasts roam the plains and survival is hard won. To Grey Wolf and all Plains Runners, the viciousness of the land is both a shield against the evils of Akrithil and a crucible to shape them. Moving from secret waterhole to waterhole, following what scant game remains, the various tribes united under the Banner of the Plains Runners have escaped destruction, but existence is a constant test of strength, determination, and cunning.
Grey Wolf knows these trials well. He is heralded as Tasunke reborn, the next great champion and avatar of his people. At 8, he took his first pronghorn with only a sling. At 12, he endured three days and nights of unimaginable pain as he stood barefoot over a nest of knife-ants. He has not only attempted every rite of warriorhood from every tribe of the Plains Runners, he has conquered them all far younger than any other aspirant. When envoys from the other great nations managed to find the remnants of the Plains Runners, it was unanimously agreed by the Congress that he be sent as their champion.
A skilled tracker, hunter, and warrior, his people fully believe that if victory is possible, it is because of his presence. Yet, Grey Wolf does not believe such. He has never believed the dream-readers and their prophecies. He does not believe the Deh’Va are real any longer, and he only has to look at this homeland as proof. To Grey Wolf, even though he has proven himself a man a hundred times over, he still feels like a boy, caught in a fireside legend from which he wishes to escape. Despite these misgivings, he courageously does what must be done to protect his people, and all remaining Kith of Cheol.