Life is short and brutish, but this does not dismay Kijo. Instead it strengthens her resolve. As an Onikin, she was selected at birth to begin training as a Warrior. As she grew stronger and taller, so too did her understanding of her fate: she would die a warrior’s death. Therefore the only thing that mattered to her was that her death be glorious. Inevitable death holds no terror for her, only so long as her death inspires her people to pen great poems of her victory.
If not training, Kijo will read the great stories of the Shen Empire’s many champions. She knows that she will outshine them all. She is unbothered by her erstwhile allies, for she cares little who fights beside her, only what enemy is before her. When at rest, she is still, patient, serene, and possessed of an eerie grace. In battle, she becomes a whirlwind of savagery and valor. She has shattered abominations and survived wounds that would have killed lesser creatures.
If she has a chance be the first to slay a Demon Lord, then the poems and ballads composed about her greatness would echo so long as a child of Shen lived. For personal honor and the glory of the Shen Empire, Kijo stands at the forefront of the battle against Belphegore and woe to those foolish enough to challenge her might.