The Forest knows that from life comes death, and from death comes life, and Moss Beard focuses his entire being on understanding and living this balance. A druid of the Deep Green, his sacred charge is to defend the great forest and its peoples, and to do so, he must maintain the delicate cycles of the Deep Green. There must be a winter, a cold, bitter time to allow joy to build and rest. There must be a summer, to reap the benefits of seasons passed.
Despite the broken state of the world, Moss Beard strives to maintain this balance, often to the confusion of his compatriots. Should the mood become too cold, he becomes a joyful, youthful voice of Spring. Should the mood lighten beyond reason in the few moments of victory, he becomes quiet like an icy wind. In battle, when the time of reaping comes, he can summon powerful creatures to rend his enemies, or he unleashes the raw power of nature, obliterating swathes of enemies with wild magics. As long as the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is held, Moss Beard is content.
In the warm embrace of nature’s cycles, The Forest is eternal because it does not fear the cold times, nor doest dwell in the sweet times. Belphegore’s plans, however, threaten to end all cycles, so he must be pruned and his corruption cleansed so that the Deep Green can grow wide again without fear of the flame. For the Great Forest and a restoration of natural cycles, Moss Beard fights with nature’s fury at his command.