
When one lives upon the flip of a card or the roll of a die, they understand that the Deh’Vas stop being abstract. Part of being born and raised in Freeport, Pascal knew all the Deh’Vas, at least in passing, and as the son of a priestess of Veles, he attended jubilant festivals and somber ceremonies.
He learned his mother’s wisdom, but his heart was like his father’s, and he followed the same path of making a living cheating sailors and traders from every land. While he heard their stories of the darkness, of the war itself, it was not until his twenty-fifth year that he understood how the gods wield irony as destiny. Caught cheating with his magic by a soldier of the Shen Empire, even Pascal’s quick blade and youthful arrogance was no match for his enemies, and while beatings were not uncommon for Pascal in his line of work, when they dragged him to be executed, he prayed more sincere than ever before.
The Deh’Vas answered in the form of Alluvia, who declared him a member of the expedition against Belphegor. Pascal, for his part, was not blind to the serendipity, and perhaps his losing streak was just the Deh’Vas telling him that his service was necessary, and so with blade and spell in hand, he went with the Daemon Hunter, confident that the Gods did not spare him just to die amongst the nameless others at the Blood Throne.