
All things fall to time and decay, but that was not supposed to be true of Ira’Bar, the eternal city, the oasis of the unending desert. The secretive Kushna once lived a hybrid life. The paradisiacal abundance of their nation’s jungle heartland was kept secret thanks to the stormy, monster-ridden desert that encircled it.
The heartland, a gift from their triple-headed deity to their nomadic ancestors at the dawn of civilization, was pillaged during the Immortal Host’s conquest of the world, leaving only their nomadic holy warrior orders of the desert to mourn the loss of their once-high towers and gleaming palaces. Saabir is the last living member of the Zaied Habbak, one of the mightiest of the old holy orders. After a stoic life of trials, tribulations, and tests of faith, Zaied’s faith in Samawi is as unshakeable as his grip on the sacred relics that he wields so masterfully in battle. Without Ira’Bar, he has joined the Travelers, wandering the desert, learning to survive where no mortal is meant, and now, he carries both the memories of the Great City and the teachings of the wastelands.
He is the desert tempest to his enemies but also the cool waters of salvation to his allies. It is his connection to Samawi that led him to the Blood Throne- one final holy war to cast out the darkness to prepare the world for a new paradise.