The Scute

Emotion is a warmbloods folly, or so the great ancients of the Cold-Blooded Alliance wrote, but to Scute, they are his most potent weapon. The Ancients and their great texts also say that all reptilians are equal from egg to burial, but as a Kobold, Scute knows better. Most are seen as barely sentient, feral little creatures that walk in the shadows of the greater ones, but Scute was born with a gift that even the Ancients envied: the raw will to manipulate the unseen energies of the world. Despite his stature, he has felled abominations ten times his size as he manifests blasts of energy capable of carving through hills.
While far more fragile than other of his kin or company, there are few others able to deliver such carnage to the enemy as he. He is not one for decorum, particularly amongst others of the CBA, as he speaks what he feels, and he celebrates the rush of anger, joy, and even sorrow that life brings. Prone to outbursts of song, celebration, or frustration, to some more stoic warriors, he is a nuisance, but to those that have seen him in war, this is a cheap price to buy for a living artillery piece.
While he was ordered to join the assault on the Blood Throne, this did not at all scare him. He is fascinated by warmbloods, their outward emotions, their strange bearings. While the Ancients sent him to recover more Zenithae to stave off the great Winter approaching their lands, a Winter they cannot survive, his own personal mission is to see if the warmbloods are the key to unlocking even more power within himself.