Sphenna Boomsinger

Those blessed by the passing of the Godshark during pregnancy can often find their children born with His mark. While its physical manifestation can reflect many features of what the shaman call “those who wander below,” each child inevitably manifests an insatiable appetite for something as they mature. Unsurprisingly given the violent nature of the Ur-Predator, this often means that the marked ones have an unceasing desire to shed blood, with the most extreme examples feeding on the flesh of fallen foes in a frenzy.
Unmistakably and unashamedly bearing the “savage” marks of her culture upon her flesh, she nevertheless dresses in the finest styles and accouterments available. Whatever she can’t buy she makes herself, and often customizes clothing in service to her own designs. Presenting herself well-dressed and clean, no crew who has hired her as a consultant would ever say she is afraid to get her hands dirty as she dismantles locks, traps, and fortifications with a fluid grace. Her companions often find themselves grateful for her downtime on capers, as she will frequently tinker with their gear to avoid boredom.
Specializing in powerful, esoteric weaponry, Sephenna produces artful pieces fit for display in the treasure rooms and collections of the highest bidders (not that she would ever sell to someone who would waste the potential of her craft in such a degrading manner). Each weapon has a name she says the weapon gives itself, and names are often as quirky as their design. Some examples include a decksweeper named “The Decksimator,” a steam-powered trident launcher named “Bad Trilogy’s End,” and a conch-shaped buckler named “Shelly.” Each name is engraved lovingly in elegant, formal calligraphy as if it were a blessing cast in metal from on high.