There is no greater torture than to know the memory of joy when faced with an eternal darkness. Tatianne remembers the taste of sweet fruit, the warmth of summer days, and the gentle touch of a child’s hand. She remembers, but she can no longer feel these things. As a Dread Mage, perhaps one of the greatest of the Pallid Legions, her command over the forces and magic of fear and the void is unmatched.
Once, when the world was whole, she cultivated life in devout service to a god of learning, but since the Languishing-since her own unwilling undeath-she can now only manipulate death. She hates what she is, but then she knows too much of how empty the passage to beyond is, and so the only course forward is to master her condition, and perhaps, with enough Dehviithae, transcend it entirely.
Few could ever hope to know the depths of her melancholy. Those that stand in her presence are too awed by her intelligence, her surety, and her sheer effectiveness in all that she does. Calm, cerebral, clever, and outwardly cold, Tatianne will find a way to break Belphegor’s magics, and in doing so, move closer and closer to her ultimate objective: a return to life for her and her people.